If you conduct internet research or work online, you’re most likely all-too-familiar with the pain of losing your open tabs and research progress. All it takes is a browser crash or accidental shutdown and your tabs are gone. It's a common occurrence that disrupts productivity and wastes hours of hard work.
In this blog post, we’ll share how a new web browser, Horse Browser, solves the issue. So you’ll never encounter this frustrating problem again.
First a quick explainer how this new web browser works! Horse Browser replaces Tabs with its own unique navigational method, named Trails. Every time you click on a link, a new page is opened on the Trail, creating nested pages that perfectly track your online research.
These Trails of pages appear as vertical lists in your sidebar, acting as your History, Bookmarks and Tabs in one. You can delete, move, re-name and customise pages in your Trails to efficiently organise your sites.
Horse Browser is designed differently from standard web browsers. With Horse Browser, all your pages are automatically saved, every time you close your browser, even after a total shutdown or update. In this way, it works similar to a Notes App.
Simply follow the instructions below to close or quit Horse Browser as normal:
As Horse Browser closes or quits, all your pages and Trails are automatically saved. Re-open Horse Browser and you’ll find everything you need, conveniently stored in the sidebar, just like a Notes App.
Horse Browser is really changing the game for Tab hoarders. Due to its innovative design, Horse Browser automatically saves your Trails of pages and online research. Even after you close, quit or even update your browser. So you’ll never lose open Tabs again.
To learn more about Horse Browser, visit here. Or read more how-to guides in this Manual blog series.