Welcome to the Rider’s Digest blog, where we share behind-the-scenes updates on Horse Browser and what it’s really like to build an indie browser from scratch…No VC, just two passionate people, who want to help you work and research better.

Elly from Horse Browser here! I’m excited to share a major new update to Horse Browser: our new import/export tool.

That’s right, no more scattered links across different apps! Now, you can easily import saved links, from apps like Apple Notes, Notion, and Raindrop.io, straight into Horse for better organisation and research.

As someone who’s gathered tons of saved links in Apple Notes, I’ve already seen how useful it is to finally sort them in Horse. Now, my links are organised and serve as valuable starting points for fresh research.

The new feature also lets you export your Trails as Markdown files, making it simple to import Trails into external apps and create customised workflows.

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By exporting your Trails, you can also create offline back-ups of your research.

We’ve added some step-by-step guides to our user manual, with more on the way as we develop this feature further.

We know many of you have been waiting to integrate Horse with other apps, so we’d love to hear how you’re using the import/export tool and which apps you're most excited about. Share your thoughts with us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?subject=Import%20%2F%20Export%20Feature&body=).